June 2023

Quantifying the benefits and risks of an AI deployment

How we at Agathon quantify the benefits and risks of any project we embark upon
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We at Agathon are dedicated to delivering business value in our work and responsible AI deployment serves as the foundation for every project we undertake. We always insist that our AI projects prioritise the well-being of society, consider alternative solutions, and conduct thorough assessments of projects before commencement.

Anchoring business benefit in responsible AI

At the outset of our AI project delivery, we emphasise the importance of business value alignment by clearly defining the goals and intended impacts of the AI system. This ensures that our decision-making process is aligned with the social value guide, taking into account the human and socio-economic implications of the project. By explicitly stating that business value is a central criterion for assessing proposals, we create an anchor that guides our project from inception to completion. To ensure that our goals are relevant and tailored to the specific project, we consider the unique context and needs of the stakeholders involved. Our commitment to non-discrimination, equal treatment, and proportionality guarantees that the benefits derived from any AI system we develop are accessible and equitable to all.

Recognising AI's relevance and openness to alternatives

We will always transparently articulate why AI is deemed relevant to the problem at hand. We provide a comprehensive explanation of how AI technology can address the challenges and deliver the desired outcomes effectively. Simultaneously, we acknowledge that alternative solutions may exist and remain open to exploring them. This openness fosters innovation and ensures that we consider a wide range of options, promoting the adoption of the most suitable approach for achieving the desired outcomes.

Conducting initial AI impact assessments

For any project, we conduct AI impact assessments to evaluate the potential risks and benefits associated with the project. These assessments delve into various dimensions, including ethical considerations, societal implications, and potential biases or discriminatory outcomes. By conducting these assessments early on, we proactively identify and address any concerns, ensuring that the procurement process is guided by ethical and responsible AI practices.

The interim findings from our AI impact assessments play a crucial role in informing our procurement decisions. We carefully consider these findings throughout the process, continually refining our approach to mitigate risks and maximise desired business outcomes. This iterative approach ensures that our decisions are based on a comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts of the AI system.

Revisiting assessments at key decision points

As we progress through project, we recognise the dynamic nature of AI technologies and the evolving nature of societal concerns. Therefore, we make it a point to revisit our AI impact assessments at key decision points. This practice allows us to incorporate any new insights, advancements, or changes in the project's scope. By consistently revisiting our assessments, we ensure that our decisions remain aligned with the principles of the business benefit, ethical considerations, and responsible AI deployment.

Responsible AI is our cornerstone

We at Agathon firmly uphold our Responsible AI principles to deliver projects that prioritise public benefit and emphasise responsible AI deployment. By anchoring our decision-making process in these, recognising the relevance of AI while remaining open to alternative solutions, conducting thorough impact assessments, and revisiting assessments at key decision points, we consistently drive projects that are ethical, transparent, and accountable. Through our unwavering commitment to these principles, we strive to contribute to a future where AI technologies are harnessed for the betterment of society, ensuring a positive and equitable impact for all.

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